Archive for September, 2010


Logline:  Some call it love, some call it passion, but when a soul is taken over, others call it…seduced.  Seduced Children of the Rainbow Series Book 2 By A.J. Llewellyn  M/M Paranormal Romance Purchase Link: Synopsis: Paden Campbell wants nothing more than to enjoy his newfound togetherness with his love, the rainbow-walker, Track. The […]

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Safe Sex in Erotic Romance Fiction

I’ve noticed a rising tide of readers and reviewers commenting on books in which the characters either do or don’t engage in safe sex. This is an interesting issue since it’s become something of a trend to criticize books in which characters, particularly gay characters don’t glove the love. Where do I stand on this […]

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Mated and Snake Eyes

Two new releases at for September! “Snake Eyes” is already in’s top 100 GLBT books for 2010. My co-author Stephani Hecht and I are STOKED! SNAKE EYES: Now Available at Purchase Link: River King is worried about his mom, Honey. An obsessive-compulsive-collector, she’s pounced on every questionable craze in pop culture […]

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The Bouncer

By A.J. Llewellyn Several months ago, I traveled to Austin, TX, to visit my best friend, Tam. I was excited to visit her new location, meet her beautiful man and cuddle her super-delicious baby girl. Armed with a tutu and tiara for Tam’s toddler, I was excited about my short four-day trip. I’d never been […]

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The Bouncer

Out Now! Available at Purchase Link: Kevin Branigan thought he was moving to Austin, Texas for a job. Instead, he got a life. Kevin Branigan begins a new life in Austin, Texas, working as a bouncer at his brother’s bar. He intervenes when a drunken patron beats up his girlfriend and Kevin winds […]

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