Na Hiku, Phantom Lover #13 Available NOW!
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I’m pleased to announce the re-release of my book NA HIKU, book #13 in my Phantom Lover series. Three more to go in this original series, then I will write some new stories and re-release the spin-off series, Children of the Rainbow.
This is bittersweet for me because I’ve loved the new covers Karrie Jax did for me. She’s done a lot of work for me and just gets me…but alas she has retired. As I was re-reading Na Hiku I fell in love with my lead characters Kimo and Lopaka all over again. I love these guys…in this volume, they are on the run from the Huna Council. Murder! Mayhem! Magic!
Na Hiku…Hawaiian for The Seven…Kahuna and Keeper of Secrets, Kimo Wilder, and his husband, Lopaka, have finally found the Seven Women that Goddess Pele has deemed necessary to protect the fate of their three small children. They have also found the long-lost leader of the Kahuna Council, Lopaka’s own father, Paden, a man who has given up his family for a cannibal king in the South Seas.
Relying on Paden, a man with many secrets, fills Lopaka with terror. His father abandoned him and his twin sister, Maluhia, when they were infants. Will he stick around long enough to petition on their behalf, or will sinister forces prevent him doing so?