Aloha gang,
Today we’re meeting author Dawn Casey, who is in the midst of writing her first mystery, Journey to Mecca. I’ve read the first two chapters and it’s already fantastic! The funny thing is Dawn wrote a book some years ago called The Hawaiian Christmas Tree and I happen to own a copy of it!
Purchase link: https://www.amazon.com/Hawaiian-Christmas-Tree-Dawn-Adrienne/dp/0966748417
Dawn will be appearing this week at the Left Coast Crime Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii. She’ll be on a panel discussing her work so if you are anywhere near sunny Waikiki, come on down and meet her.
Here is a link for all the details about Honolulu Havoc. http://www.leftcoastcrime.org/2017/
Busy as she is, Dawn took time to answer some really stupid questions!
1. Hi Dawn, what’s your favorite cocktail? I’ll have the cabana boys whip one up for you while I ask you some stupid, I mean important questions.
I don’t drink cocktails. I usually drink white wine like Spumante
2. You are writing a very interesting historical book called Journey to Mecca. I read the first couple of chapters and loved it. My question to you is if you could go back in time and be anybody famous in history, who would it be and why?
Queen Elizabeth the first. She had a very interesting life and had lots of power.
3. You are Australian. What is the worst thing about being from the land downunder?
I really don’t think there is any bad thing about being Aussie except maybe the accent.
4. Being Australian myself, I adore our accents! Speaking of growing up in the land downunder, what was your favorite toy growing up?
I believe it was a doll Santa left. The doll had a beautiful face. I think it was an antique and they put a new body on her.
5. Oh, she was a Hollywood doll! Now, your last and final question. You’re stuck on a deserted island after a three hour tour that goes awry. Name six people alive or dead that you’d like to be marooned with…and your fantasy castaway meal.
Richard Burton, the actor.
Richard Burton, the explorer.
Queen Elizabeth the first.
Ann Boleyn, wife of Henry VIII
Captain Cook
We’d have a picnic on the beach with fish we’d taken from the sea. A bottle of wine one of above had taken from the ship.. Fruit and nuts we found growing on trees. Wild fowl we found roaming around, which we cooked in open fire.