1. Hi Toby, what’s your favorite cocktail? I’ll have the cabana boys whip one up for you while I ask you some stupid, I mean important questions.
It used to be the mai-tai, but I developed a sensitivity to pineapple juice, alas, so now it’s the mojito! I’m making do, ha ha!
2. I would cry without pineapple! What is your favorite swimwear? Do you favor bikinis, one-pieces or are you a secret skinny dipper?
I grew up hippie, so I’ve been known to frolic under waterfalls in my birthday suit! The rest of the time, I’m into function, not tanning, as I’m a freckly redhead, so I wear a swimmer’s tank suit. I love doing laps in the ocean!
3. When you’re not doing laps what would be your favorite beach read? (not your own of course…)
Hmmm, that’s a tough one! I’m currently enjoying all the Lei Crime Kindle World novellas. They’re great beach reads!
4. If you could have any accent in the world, which one would you choose?
Ah, mais oui. le francais of course! What’s sexier than a French accent? Not much!
5. Oui, oui! You’re stuck on a deserted island after a three hour tour that goes awry. Name six people alive or dead that you’d like to be marooned with…and your fantasy castaway meal.
Oh my goodness. Well, this is actually a discussion my husband and I’ve had as we are Survivor (the TV show) fans. I’d actually take my husband. He’s incredibly handy. He’d build us a shelter, climb a coconut tree and get us nuts for juice and food, and then catch fish, make fires, and give me midnight kisses too. He cooks up a mean lobster and fish meal right in the sand, seasoning with salt and limu…That’s my fantasy meal! I scored when I nabbed him thirty years ago!
After that, I’d have to be very picky because as a writer, I’m not actually that social. I mean, I can do it, for short bursts, but I’d hope on our island, we’d have room for everyone to have their own huts and just meet for meals. So then, I’d have my good friend Holly and her husband for intellectual company. She writes women’s fiction and he’s a robotics engineer. He could develop a water system for us run by wind power or something, and Holly and I could talk books.
I’d really also like essayist Ellen Meloy, who’s deceased now. She writes about nature and I’d like to study with her, perhaps write about our desert island and what we see and compare notes. Then, Ray Bradbury because he seems like he’s a riot and what a wonderfully divergent thinker. And in the evenings, I’d have Steven King creep us out around the fire with scary stories.
I love all of these authors. And your answers. Thanks for your time, Toby!
Nightbird: a Jet Kindle World Novella
What if Jet had a sister?
Lila Weiss, full time neurobiologist and part time ballerina, has been searching for the little sister she lost through divorce and death. She finds Maya in prison—and a whole lot more, in the brooding presence of a psychological profiler codenamed “Benjamin.” Benjamin sees Lila’s potential value to Israel’s interests and recruits her as an asset for Mossad, giving her a crash course in spycraft, destruction and love that has international repercussions.
“This story has legs.” Russell Blake
Purchase link:
Great interview AJ and Toby!
Stephen King with you on the island, Toby? That’d be a riot!
Posted by eden baylee on August 11th, 2015 at 8:28 amI have to agree! And Ray Bradbury too!
Posted by AJ on August 11th, 2015 at 8:37 amA wonderful interview. I’d love to hear Toby’s French accent.
Posted by Scott Bury on August 11th, 2015 at 8:51 amOMG, what fun that would be…as long as we didn’t all have to hang out all day together. Then it would be…perhaps the 6th ring of hell, but maybe worse.
Posted by Toby Neal on August 11th, 2015 at 4:21 pmWriters need their space!
Oh my, talk about a well-thought out disaster plan! With that crew, who’d ever want to be rescued?
Posted by Terry Ambrose on August 11th, 2015 at 4:41 pmFantastic interview! Toby’s desert island crew would be a riot to be with, and to learn from. Raising my mojito high … cheers!
Posted by Kathy B on August 11th, 2015 at 5:07 pmGreat interview! It’s very nice to get to know Toby a little better… Nightbird is at the top of my list to buy. I’ve been waiting to finish a couple of the KW novellas to get it.
Posted by BJ T. on August 11th, 2015 at 5:10 pmGreat interview & sounds like another excellent Toby book. This is on my must read list.
Posted by Amy on August 11th, 2015 at 5:55 pmHow’s this for a coincidence? A friend from Hawaii just recommended your books. I found them on amazon. No; there are no coincidences! My drink of choice is cold water! People to be on a desert island with; I really like the idea of a handy, romantic man. (I get to pick my own, though.) Stephen King, absolutely! Ray Bradbury, too. Oh, I get to be 30# lighter, and 30 years younger. I mean, if we’re going to fantasize…
Posted by Pamela Asbury-Smith on August 11th, 2015 at 6:41 pmYou are indeed a woman of many talents, Toby, and I am so glad that our parhs have crossed. You were the first author who actually put a name to what I’ve been simply doing on my own for some time. When you told me that you often use “typo hunters” I knew immediately that I wanted to give it a shot. You went even further & offered me the opportunity to review one of your manuscripts & I’ve been fortunate enough that you’ve entrusted me with several others. From there, I’ve branched out to other authors and I’m happily engaged in building up a reputation among respected authors so that hopefully in the next few months I can officially claim these endeavors as a second retirement career. I was a Lei Crime Series fan long before I officially met you – having read every book in the series at least once and a few more than once. It’s a kick to read your interview responses and your answers have given me a clearer picture of who you are. I’m really hopeful that one day there will be a book out there with my name as the author. Meanwhile, you have truly inspired me!
Posted by Joy A Lorton on August 11th, 2015 at 10:27 pmThank you for being an advance reader for Nightbird, Joy, and much aloha in all your work! You’ve been a big help to me and so many others.
Posted by Toby Neal on August 12th, 2015 at 7:34 pmToby Neal
I heard about you through Patricia Sands. I value Patricia recommendations in books, so I am looking forward to exploring your series. Great interview, Thank you for giving us the chance to get to know a little bit about you.
Posted by Susan on August 13th, 2015 at 4:06 pmAloha everyone! We did a random draw and SUSAN is the winner. Congratulations! I will be in touch with your winning book! Thanks for commenting everyone!
Posted by AJ on August 15th, 2015 at 11:39 am