The Ghost of Get Me Some Corners, part of the Amber Allure “Haunting Words” PAX – buy one story or buy ’em all! is OUT TODAY!
When Ian gets promoted and transferred to head up a new office for his computer firm in Greenhill Groves, it seems a great boost to his career, but he also suspects it might just be the death knell regarding his sex life. Then, with the help of his hot assistant Steve, Ian learns about a happening dance club located at the end of a dead end street, a legendary spot that gay men used to refer to back in the 1970s as “Get Me Some Corners.”
One night, loaded with high expectations, Ian decides to check out the hook-up joint. To his surprise, he not only meets a gorgeous guy named Zach, but also has the best sex of his life in the club’s darkened back room with multiple partners.
But despite all this, Ian can’t shake the notion that something isn’t quite right at the bar…not quite right at all…
Genres: Gay/Paranormal/Ghosts/Hauntings/Suspense/Thriller/BDSM (Light)/Menage (M/M/M)/ Group Sex
Length: Novella (23k words)
Read a short excerpt…
…My new pal, Ted, put the beer down in front of me then leaned closer. “That’s called Ambrosia. It’s the back room. No guilt, no obligation. Do what you feel and you don’t have to cook ’em breakfast.”
I laughed. “The back room.”
“The back something,” he said with a chuckle.
Just then another guy came up to the bar and signaled Ted, and he walked away.
I drank some of the beer and licked my lips, watching a guy come out of the back room, adjusting his cock in his pants. I needed this. I needed some good old anonymous sex in that back room.
I downed the beer and got off the stool. Slowly, I wandered past the men sitting at the tables, drinking and fondling each other. At the last table, I noticed a man sitting alone. His back was toward me. I wondered what he was looking at since there were no windows. I stood watching him for a few seconds. He had beautiful hair, dark, shiny, long, touching his shoulders. I almost reached out to feel it.
Then he turned and saw me. I took a step back. He was really gorgeous, with a beautiful face, and brilliant blue eyes. He smiled at me, and my knees went weak. “Hello,” he said. “What’s your name?”
“Ian. That’s nice. I’m Zachary. I’ve never seen you here before. You’re new.”
“Yes.” I nodded. “I just moved here. I’m setting up a new office for Wizardworld computers.”
He just stared at me.
“Ah, what do you do?” I asked.
“Hang around here waiting for men like you.”
I laughed. “I see.”
He stood, and I saw that he was tall and well built. He wore jeans and a shirt with faded flowers on it. I noticed his jeans were wide-legged. Maybe they were back in style now. His shirt looked rather old.
“Is something wrong?” he asked.
“No. I…just…nice shirt.”
He laughed. “Really? It’s wearing out now.”
“You must like it,” I said.
“Have no choice. It’s my club shirt.”
“Oh, I see.” I smiled at him. “Do you think it helps you get lucky?”
“Something like that,” he whispered.
“My father had an old pair of shoes he wore whenever he went to the horse races. He swore he couldn’t win unless he had them on. They were falling apart before my mother convinced him to give them up.”
“He was superstitious.”
He glanced at the door. “Going in?”
I smiled and nodded. “You?”
“I’ll be right behind you,” he replied.
The guy was hot and I couldn’t wait to walk into that room. The fact that he’d be right behind me meant he’d find me and, Lord, I wanted to be found…
For more info and for purchase here is a direct link to the book: http://www.amberquill.com/store/p/1979-The-Ghost-Of-Get-Me-Some-Corners.aspx