Symbiosis and Sequels
By A.J. Llewellyn
I don’t know about you but I adore writing sequels. For me it’s a chance to revisit characters I love and in the case of the current sequel I am working on for Amber Allure, it gives me a chance to finish telling the story I started with “Tame.”
“Tame” is a story that came to me in dreams, especially the first scene where LAPD detective Cavan Carmichael discovers a beaten, chained man in a shack in the back of a Hollywood movie collector’s house. The story for me was one of the most unusual I’d written because I’d never tackled the subject of werewolves but I read a legend about Argentine werewolves and became hooked.
This became the basis of my story and I do believe I made it clear I’d be doing a sequel, and then, I got caught up in other things…
I had a visit from an author who came and spent a few days with me. Tibby Armstrong and I went to Venice Beach and parked. We got out of the car and there ahead of us was this mixed-purpose property right on the boardwalk. It’s a house and art gallery and the stone wolves out front just spoke to me. I snapped a photo and began to scheme.
I find for some reason a beautiful symbiosis when I am working on sequels…little things happen, things like the wolf house (as I began to call it) jump out at me. I am about to turn in “Tame2: Feral” and although I am excited to be able to deliver the story to my readers who keep asking about what happened to Cavan and Ludo, the were he learned to love,I will be sorry to say goodbye. Having never tackled wolves before they have become dear to my heart. Who knows…maybe the wolf house will revisit me in dreams…until then I’ll live with the memories.
Aloha oe,
Yay!!! 😀 I just can’t wait to add it to my “to-read” shelf 🙂
Posted by Bogusia on July 10th, 2012 at 12:53 pmThanks so much!
Posted by AJ Llewellyn on July 10th, 2012 at 1:30 pm