The Love God of Indian Frybread
Ever Beleno just met an older man…about two thousand years older!
By A.J. Llewellyn
Several months ago I had afternoon tea with my friend Rosie and a bunch of other people who plan esoteric day trips that had, up until this occasion never really inspired my romance novels. They were, however a much needed diversion from my computer.
Somebody casually mentioned the Mummies of the World exhibit and I was excited to join the group planning a trip there.
I asked Rosie if she wanted to go.
“Oh, no.” She actually shivered. “I’d be too afraid of something following me home.”
Dear, darling, Rosie. She inspired what has become my latest novel, The Love God of Indian Frybread.
In it, Ever Beleno, a Hollywood archivist, goes to the exhibit and is followed home by the spirit of an ancient Egyptian priest.
I went to the exhibit myself, stunned by the crush of people. I’d never heard of the Science Museum up until that day and it was an effort to get a closer look at all the mummies. I’d had no idea that Egypt wasn’t the only country to mummify people, and/or animals. The exhibit is macabre but fascinating. I had trouble with the mummified dogs, cats, monkeys and lizards etc…but in the back of my mind came the idea:
Ever Beleno just met an older man…about two thousand years older!
The story took shape quickly once I set on how I would tell my tale. I did some research into Egyptian pharaohs and also used a roommate I once had who collects Hollywood memorabilia from studio dumpsters and combined the two.
Every dumpster dive depicted is true and my mate John has the actual Lost in Space spaceship in his living room. Many years ago when we shared digs, you couldn’t get past the damned thing it took up so much er…space.
He was fond of inviting strangers over to look at his finds. I woke up one night to a lot of noise and found actor Christian Slater in our living room. I think he was a little bemused by it all, but he was apparently a huge sci-fi fan and once people got a close look at that space ship, they knew they were seeing something special.
John even had a massive gun prop from the British series Red Dwarf he hijacked from a dumpster in London. Try getting on board a plane with a five-foot weapon in this post 9/11 era.
It was fun to visit old Hollywood and recall my fondness for its history for The Love God of Indian Frybread. There are many of us who are passionate about the old stars, the old time movies and Hollywood legend.
I took my niece and nephew to Universal Studios during the writing of this book and in what was a clear case of serendipity, we rode that manic roller coaster The Mummy’s Revenge, which gave me my final piece to the book’s puzzle.
Of course, I wanted to write down verbatim what the mummy shrieks on the ride and had no trouble convincing the kids to go on it a second time. But these are, after all, the same kids who have forced me to sit through multiple viewings of the Disney movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame many times in a single weekend.
Going on a ride twice? Easy peasy.
Thanks to Amber Allure, The Love God God of Indian Frybread is out now in ebook form and soon to be released in paperback.
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