Children of the Rainbow Book 1: A new M/M, Paranormal, Shapeshifter series by A.J. Llewellyn
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I couldn’t meet a normal guy. Nope, I just had to go find myself a rainbow straddling, evil-defeating, hot and sexy guy.
Children of the Rainbow series is a spin-off from Phantom Lover, in which all the treasured characters from that series will appear as the story progresses.
Track, the lover of Paden, has assumed human form after the pair meets in the book Paden (Book 14, Phantom Lover series). Track tells Paden they can be together, but their love exacts a price…one that Paden is soon to learn can be dangerous and potentially deadly.
On the day of a tsunami warning in Honolulu, Paden wakens to find Track is with him after several weeks of absence. They are needed, Track tells him and soon they’re traversing a rainbow to unravel the mystery of a young man who has committed a kapu. He has broken a sacred taboo and the gods of old Hawaii are angry. The young man begs for help. Paden is surprised when Kimo’s toddler daughter, Pele, named for Hawaii’s powerful volcano goddess, arrives, having followed Paden into the spirit realm. She intervenes and the repercussions Paden soon learns, are cataclysmic.
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Huge congrats on the new books..It sounds fantastic as always….
Posted by Savannah Chase on August 3rd, 2010 at 3:05 pm