Honey Butter

Honey Butter
Current mood: blessed
Category: Travel and Places

So I am in chilly, but beautiful Austin, TX visiting my best friend Tam and her two-year old daughter Lola. We have been friends for 15 years and although Tam travels a lot, with a baby and her busy working life — not to mention my busy working life– I am finally on her home turf visiting her and little Miss Lola. I came armed with a Fancy Nancy tutu, matching purse and sunglasses (am I gay or what?) and tried not think of all the deadlines I have. It’s only four days I reasoned with myself and I can still work.
Besides, it’s research.
Tam mentioned there’s a gay section of Austin — 4th Street– so from the second I arrived, I’ve been making notes.
I really like it here. Arrived late yesterday afternoon and Tam said she would drive me down the gay section of town so I could see it.
Austin has a very laid-back vibe. Tam describes it as a cross between Berkley and Venice Beach and I totally see that. It’s an eclectic town and she pointed out Whole Foods – this was the very first Whole Foods ever) and I saw tons of hippies and funky coffee shops you wouldn’t normally associate with Texas.
Tam’s family took me to dinner at a local barbecue place. I’m a vegetarian but managed to keep my squeamishness to myself when I saw these gigantic bones coming out of the kitchen. I’ve never seen ribs this size.
Things are bigger in Texas, I reminded myself. I scribbled this in my notebook. Of course, this opens up all kinds of possibilities for a gay romance set in Austin, right?
My mood got even perkier when a massive loaf of fresh bread arrived at the table.
“Try it with the honey butter,” Tam advised.
Honey butter?
They actually sell honey and butter mixed. It’s even in convenient packets on the table. I tried to imagine this idea flying in California and I couldn’t.
You have to beg a waitress for butter in L.A.
But I digress.
Honey butter makes me swoon. I love this town! It sings to my senses!
On our way home, Tam and I discussed my setting one of my books here.
She daid she’d drive me down 4th street so I could check it out, get a feel for it. Groove to the vibe.
“I can’t wait to see it,” I said.
“We just did. we just drove right past it,” she said. “Didn’t you see it?”
No, I did not. Okay, so…not all things are bigger in Texas. the gay district is apparently two clubs next door to each other.
But there’s always Honey butter.
And my seriously overactive imagination.

Aloha oe,

Currently listening:
Nina: The Essential Nina Simone
By Nina Simone
Release date: 2003-05-12

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