Paden: Phantom Lover the Final Chapter
What Price Would You Pay For Immortality?
PADEN: Phantom Lover the Final Chapter
by A.J. Llewellyn
Now Available at
Paden “Keneti” Campbell’s metamorphosis from a Scottish medical student in the Hawaiian Islands to an immortal, shapeshifting warrior husband of a Samoan Cannibal King has come with a heavy price. His path takes a twisted, unprecedented turn when he is granted his freedom, thanks to his son, Lopaka. Both Lopaka and his husband, Kimo, have rescued Paden, who is now in search of his own destiny and a kinder, gentler love than his violent, powerful husband. Can he find redemption in love and can he forge a new relationship with Lopaka and his twin sister, Maluhia, whom he abandoned at birth. And can he find his way back to…Paden? This is the final book in the bestselling Phantom Lover series.
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