Stealing My Heart
Current mood: ecstatic
Category: Writing and Poetry
I know that many people involved with ebook publishing – and those who critique it – roll their eyes at the mention of ebook theft but the fact remains, it is killing us. It is killing those of us who sit there day after day creating stories for people to read. It is killing the publishing industry. I am not going to listen to comments about libraries and friends sharing paperbacks.
The average lending life if a book is 200 lends before the book is withdrawn from circulation. I know this because I’ve worked in a library for 3 years.
The average lending life of a pirated ebook is limitless. The theft goes on and on.
So rather than whine, my lovely co-author on many books, D.J. Manly, decided to lend his considerable weight to actual change.
And now, I am pleased to say our project, the anthology Stealing My Heart is soon to be published by Total eBound. Its objective is to provide the thrills and gasps we normally do BUT to also make readers aware that we do this job with passion – and stealing from us comes at a price.
We want to thank the dedicated readers who spend their hard-earned dollars on our books. We also hope to make persistent ‘file-sharers’ aware that when they upload books and thank one another, they really ought to be thanking the people who really made these books possible in the first place.
In this antho, we have stories from me and DJ, my other frequent co-author Stephani Hecht, Jaime Samms, Jambrea Jo Jones, Carol Lynne and my soon to be next co-author, Serena Yates.
I am also thrilled that my cover-model-for-life Adam Killian donated a pic from the shoot he and I did together last year for this cover.
He is gorgeous and his face tells our story.
Ebook theft is not a nameless, faceless crime. We are all people who are wounded where it hurts every time an ebook is uploaded and shared illegally.
Money raised from this book will go to a fund to directly combat piracy.
I hope this is the beginning of a huge, wonderful, sexy sea of change.
Ebook theft steals from our wallets but also steals from our hearts.
Thank you to Claire and the wonderful staff at Total eBound for supporting our cause. For realizing our dream.
And thanks to our many, many wonderful readers who make us want to sit in our chairs and to keep writing. You all in so many good and glorious ways, mend our hearts, each and every day.
Aloha oe,
I certainly love ADAM KILLIAN as your cover boy
Posted by Mark on March 20th, 2010 at 3:59 pm