Roman Polanski
Romance novelists for years have used the ‘rape’ ruse as a convenient way for the ‘hero’ to seduce his usually virginal heroine. In these novels, an act of hatred turns to love. An act of hatred becomes glossed over in these pages, it becomes a fuel for fantasy that let’s face it, is unlikely to happen in real life.
One of the most famous rapes of all time, that of film director Roman Polanski raping a then-13-year-old girl Samantha Geimer during a 1977 photo shoot came to a startling head this weekend with the arrest of Polanski in Switzerland.
After spending the last three decades evading US justice, he was arrested at the Zurich Film Festival where he was due to accept a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Zurich Cantonal Police spokesman Stefan Oberlin said the arrest was carried out at the request of the Federal Justice Department in Berne.
I was not surprised so many people sided with Polanski saying he’s a genius and the the statute of limitations being expired on this crime.
Maybe 32 years have passed, but he still raped a little girl after giving her a mix of champagne and Quaaludes.
Geimer has always emphatically said that Polanski made his intentions clear during the shoot at Jack Nicholson’s Hollywood home.
“I said no several times, and then, well, gave up on that,” she said in a recent interview.
However brilliant and talented and artistic he is, Roman Polanski raped a child. I am glad the US finally decided to chase him down.
Geimer and her mother lived for years with accusations that she lied, that she did it for notoriety.
Poloanski, who escaped from Federal custody as he underwent psychological testing in 1978 has gone on to a bizarre, but celebrated life, even winning the Oscar for directing “The Pianist.”
It doesn’t matter what you write, direct, draw, or paint. It doesn’t give you the right to hurt. It does not give you the right to a free life on the lam when your victim knows what happened.
Polanski has never denied the incident, but like a lot of rapists, blamed his victim, even claiming it was consensual.
I am sure he won’t do time. In fact, he’ll probably get a Hollywood movie deal and in some way, whatever restitution he will be forced to make will free him from his “Wanted” status.
But for Samantha Geimer and countless other rape victims whose attackers really don’t pay for their crimes, all this will stir up painful memories.
Geimer said in a recent interview with the Honolulu Star Bulletin that she made a decision years ago to speak out about her experience. That she did nothing wrong and therefore chose not to hide.
“Straight up, what he did to me was wrong, but I wish he would return to America so the whole ordeal can be put to rest for both of us.
“After the publicity came out, I knew it was just as bad for him as it was for me. I’m sure if he could go back, he wouldn’t do it again. He made a terrible mistake but he’s paid for it.”
So has Geimer. I am glad she has her wish though, that justice for her will finally not be denied.
How about you? Do you feel Polanski should have been arrested?
Aloha oe,